Anim8or Links

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Anim8or Website

The official Anim8or website. Has a forum, tutorials, and links.

5 out of 5

Leslie's Anim8or Studio

Has animations, an image gallery, and a particle tutorial.

2.3 out of 5

Elimar48's Anim8or Website

This excellent website has lots of tutorials, an image gallery, a forum, a chat room, and links

4.7 out of 5

Anim8or Trade

A website where you can get lots of anim8or models.

2.8 out of 5

Donkeyslayer's Anim8or Pages

This website has some tutorials on making materials. It also has an image gallery. This website takes awhile to load.

1.5 out of 5

This website has an article section with a telescoping bone tutorial. It also has a huge link section.

2 out of 5

Jonathan Bijils Anim8or Website

This website has a few tutorials, an image gallery, and some links.

3.5 out of 5

GuMShoE's Site~O~Anim8or

This website has a tutorial on creating a human and an image gallery.

2.9 out of 5